报告题目:The Power of Reactive Polymers in Nanochemistry
报 告 人:段宏伟 副教授(新加坡南洋理工大学)
段宏伟教授目前任新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物医学工程学院副教授。段教授本科就读于复旦大学化学系(1995-1999);硕士就读于复旦大学高分子科学系(1999-2002),师从江明院士;博士就读于德国马克思普朗克胶体界面研究所(2002-2005),师从Helmuth Möhwald 教授。段教授于2005-2008在美国埃默里大学、佐治亚理工学院生物医学工程学院任博士后,师从聂书明教授;2008-2009任美国埃默里大学、佐治亚理工学院生物医学工程学院助理教授;2009-2014任新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物工程学院南洋助理教授,2015至今任新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物工程学院副教授。段宏伟教授课题组主要研究结构组装无机纳米晶体与高分子纳米材料新化学和纳米尺度模块多功能组装材料的新方法及其在生物医学和环境科学等领域中的应用,特别是探索功能材料独特的光学、电学磁性、催化和结构性质,开发其在生物医学(生物传感、疾病诊断和治疗)和环境科学(传感、吸附和催化)中的广泛应用。
The structure-dependent optical, electrical, magnetic, and catalytic properties of metal, semiconductor, and metal oxide nanoparticles have stimulated intense research and developments in chemistry, materials sciences, biology and medicine. The ability to control structural integration of functional materials at nanometer scale opens the access to heterogeneous nanohybrids with functionalities that are not available in individual building blocks. Emerging properties of the heterogeneous nanohybrids hold great promise in catalysis, theranostics, and combination therapy, in which the synergistic action of multiple components is necessitated for optimal performance. On the other hand, there is growing fundamental and practical interest in developing ordered ensembles of metal, semiconductor, and magnetic nanostructures, in which tailored interactions of surface plasmons, excitons, or magnetic moments of the nanostructures give rise to emerging collective properties distinctively different from those of individual building blocks. This talk summarizes our recent work in developing heterogeneous nanostructures and well-defined assemblies that were not easily accessible by traditional colloidal chemistry. We have shown that our strategies based on the use of reactive polymers offers new opportunities in addressing some fundamental challenges in surface enhanced spectroscopy, microfluidics, and catalysis.