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作者:  发布:2014-09-09 10:16:09  点击量:
报告题目Perfluorophenyl Azides: Applications in Surface Functionalization and Materials Chemistry
报 告 人:颜鸣镝教授(Prof. Mingdi Yan)(美国麻州大学罗威尔分校)
报告时间:201469上午 10:00
颜鸣镝,博士,美国麻州大学罗威尔分校教授,本科就读于中国科技大学少年班, 1994年获得美国Oregon大学有机化学博士学位,1995-1998在美国Ikonos公司任职,1998年起在波特兰州立大学任助理教授(Assist. Prof), 2004年起任副教授(Assoc. Prof),2008年起任教授,2011年转到麻州大学罗威尔分校。主要研究方向是包括有机化学、表面化学和纳米技术的交叉学科,在世界知名期刊发表论文百余篇。
Abstarct: Research in our laboratory is at the interface of organic chemistry, surface chemistry, and nanotechnology. The central theme has been the development of conjugation chemistry that is general, efficient, can accommodate molecular diversity, maintain ligand bioaffinity, and give stable and bioactive interfaces. Searching for new conjugation chemistry that can work efficiently for molecules and materials that either lack functional groups or are difficult to derivatize led to the technique of photoaffinity labeling (PAL), where a ligand-photoprobe conjugate is used to analyze the receptor structure. The photoprobe, when activated by light, initiates covalent bond formation with the active site of the receptor, the complex of which is then analyzed to determine the receptor structure. One class of photoprobes, perfluorophenyl azide (PFPA), is among the most used PAL agents due to its high coupling efficiency, excellent storage stability, and ease of preparation. When PFPA is activated by light or heat, singlet perfluorophenyl nitrene is generated that subsequently undergoes insertion or addition reactions with neighboring molecules. We have since applied psubstituted PFPAs as heterobifunctional coupling agents in functionalizing surfaces and nanomaterials. We demonstrate that the method is indeed effective and versatile, and is applicable to small molecules, synthetic polymers, biomolecules as well as carbon materials. Recent work in the synthesis of glyconanomaterials and hybrid nanomaterials will be presented.

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