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作者:  发布:2014-05-20 00:48:32  点击量:
报告一:Engineering Nanocrystals for Energy Conversion and Storage, and Sensors
郭少军 博士 美国洛斯-阿拉莫斯(LANL)国家实验室
报告摘要:The design of new functional nanomaterials for enhancing energy conversion, storage, sensor and optoelectronic applications is highly desirable for promoting the development of different discipline. In this seminar, I will focus on my recent advances in rational design and controlled synthesis of high-quality multicomponent nanocrystals for energy conversion, storage and sensor applications. I will start with two examples on how to use FePtPd alloy nanowires (NWs) and fct-FePtAu nanoparticles (NPs) for enhancing methanol oxidation and formic acid oxidation reactions, respectively. Then, I will talk about how to engineer FePt NWs, FePtPd/FePt core/shell NWs and graphene-FePt NPs composite for getting Pt-based advanced catalysts for oxygen reduction reactions (ORR) with extremely high activity and stability. After that, I will move to non-Pt catalysts such as graphene-Co/CoO NPs and M/CuPd NPs (M=Ag, Au), which exhibit comparable and even higher ORR activity and stability than commercial Pt catalyst. Finally, I will give a summary on my other researches on biosensors, lithinum ion batteries, supercapacitors, CO2 reduction, solar cells and photodetectors, etc.
报告人简介:郭少军博士博士毕业于长春应用化学研究,后前往美国布朗大学从事纳米催化、传感器和磁性材料等方面的研究。20136月前往美国洛斯-阿拉莫斯(LANL)国家实验室任奥本海默杰出学者,研究领域集中在量子点多激子太阳能电池发光二极管和光探测器。Chem. Soc. Rev. , Acc. Chem. Res. , JACS , Adv. Mater. , Angew. Chem. 等国际著名学术期刊发表学术论文117篇和书章节4部。研究成果受到了国际同行广泛的关注,发表文章被引用超过5200次,H指数为38。发表论文单篇引用超过100次的12获得多项重要学术奖励和荣誉称号,包括英国牛津大学的玛丽居里学者美国洛斯-阿拉莫斯国家实验室的奥本海默杰出学者,中国科学院优秀博士论文。目前担任Angew. Chem., JACS, Adv. Funct. Mater.,40主要国际学术期刊的特邀审稿和仲裁人。
罗江水 博士 比利时鲁汶大学
      报告摘要:报告介绍了报告人最近几年在聚合物电解质膜燃料电池(PEMFC)高温质子导体领域的工作。主要围绕质子型离子液体与质子型有机离子塑性晶体两方面展开。质子型离子液体(protic ionic liquid)是由布朗斯特酸碱之间的质子传递形成,具有较高的液态电导率、较宽的电化学窗口和可调控的电化学及热性能。质子型有机离子塑性晶体(protic organic ionic plastic crystal)则具有较高的固态离子电导率和热稳定性。其忽略不计的蒸气压和机械柔性有利于实现电化学器件的全固态化。


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